Byzantime – a historical snippet for every minute of the day

oldbookA couple of days ago, a colleague remarked how his wife was able to relate the time in the morning to a year in the life of the Byzantine Empire….

“0811 [pause]. Year of the Bulgarian massacre of the troops of Nicephorus I”

I needed a little project, and so Byzantime was born – for every minute of the day, it will display a historical event by interpreting the time as a year.

Under the hood

While it’s fun in itself, what I really wanted to play with was Silex. This is a microframework based on Symfony components, aimed at making single-file apps like this concise and testable.

We’ve been using Symfony at Alexander Street Press for over a year, and I’m impressed at how it’s really helped us raise our game when it comes to quality of engineering. But when you need to make something smaller, it feels like overkill.

So, I gave Silex a try. I’m pretty impressed with the results. It’s certainly concise – to give you an idea, the page needs to request some JSON containing events for the current hour. Here’s how the routing for that is handled using Silex:

$app->get('/event/{year}', function (Silex\Application $app, $year) {


    $events=$app['historian']->getEvents($start, $end);

    return $app->json($events);

})->assert('year', '\d+');

Only 6 lines of code, but a lot is going on here. Firstly, we’re defining the route for our AJAX request defined as /event/yyyy, where yyyy is the year we’re interested in. This parameter is passed to our handler closure..

The next two lines just do a little arithmetic.

Then we reference $app[‘historian’], which obtains a previously configured service class from the Pimple dependancy injection container provided by $app. Much like a Symfony service, if we never use it, it won’t be created. Having got the service, I obtain an array of events.

We want to return that data as JSON, and Silex provides a hander helper to do just that.

Finally, you’ll see theres a chained call to assert our year parameter is numeric. If it’s not, the closure would not be executed.

Look at that – it look far longer to describe in English!


I recently dusted off the original code to stick up on github. While PHP gets a fairly bad rap, when I compare old code like that to something taking advantage of current technologies like Silex, Composer and Doctrine, it makes me smile. This is a good time to be working with PHP!

Comments on Byzantime are welcome, I think I’ll probably use it as the basis for further experiments…

Pastebin on GitHub

OctocatI wrote the original, and sold the domain in 2010 in the wake of the Hotmail password leak.

I’m impressed with what Jeroen, the new owner, has done with the concept since then. However, his version was not open source, so I’ve kept my original version available for download, and I still get regular requests for it.

As I’ve had a request from someone wanting to fork it and make improvements, I’ve put it up on GitHub.

Frankly, the code is looking a bit dated and could use a bit of a spruce up. It would be nice to refactor into something more testable, as well as adopt PSR-2 compliance and make its dependancies use composer for installation.

But, it’s up there. Fork it and send me a pull request if you want to improve it yourself!

The Monty Hall Problem

goatI was a bit bored a few weekends ago, and happened to read a
BBC News article about the Monty Hall Problem.

Suppose you’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, “Do you want to pick door No. 2?” Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

I’ve come across the problem before, but thought it might be fun to make a page which let you play the game and kept score. So here it is:

This started out as a little toy project to allow me to explore some areas of Symfony and Doctrine I’ve not used much. But, I’ve decided to get into the habit of polishing these little experiments and releasing them.

Give it a try!