Category Archives: Pastebin

Pastebin Reset…

I’m rarely “off the grid” but while away camping over the weekend the pastebin database seems to have suffered a pretty catastrophic failure. For the time being I’ve reset it while I investigate…

Thanks to the (many!) folks who alerted me!

Edit: OK, I’ve restored a backup from a few weeks ago, which means most recent posts are gone. Many apologies for the inconvenience caused, still looking for the root cause (all the pastebin tables were just *gone* 🙁 ).

Pastebin performance improved

Pastebin never used to retain more than a few thousand posts, but the recent feature to allow longer post retention exposed a few performance issues. If you noticed being a little slow, my apologies.

I’ve made a number of fixes to address the problem, if you notice further issues, do let me know with a comment below.

Translate Pastebin?

I’ve been wondering if anyone would like a translated version of Pastebin? It gets a lot of use from Germany – any German coders want to volunteer some translated text? Happy to do other languages too, add a comment below if this of interest (either as a translator or pastebin user)

(EDIT: I’ve had offers for Albanian, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish and Urdu – thanks folks!)