Category Archives: Pastebin

Pastebin on GitHub

OctocatI wrote the original, and sold the domain in 2010 in the wake of the Hotmail password leak.

I’m impressed with what Jeroen, the new owner, has done with the concept since then. However, his version was not open source, so I’ve kept my original version available for download, and I still get regular requests for it.

As I’ve had a request from someone wanting to fork it and make improvements, I’ve put it up on GitHub.

Frankly, the code is looking a bit dated and could use a bit of a spruce up. It would be nice to refactor into something more testable, as well as adopt PSR-2 compliance and make its dependancies use composer for installation.

But, it’s up there. Fork it and send me a pull request if you want to improve it yourself! has a new owner!

Congratulations to Jeroen, who is the new owner of Many thanks to everyone who expressed an interest in taking it over.

The site is now running on vastly improved hardware, and I’m sure Jeroen is going to do a fantastic job in taking the idea forward.

End of era for me, but I wish Jeroen the very best of luck!

Want to buy

I have a need to shed various side projects to free up my time, so I’m looking for anyone who is interesting in purchasing and developing it further.

I created the site way back in 2002, and it’s more popular now than ever with usage steadily growing. Now is a great to time to hand over to someone who can develop the idea further – something I’ve struggled to find the time to do.

Don’t delay though, as some good offers have already been made. Watch this space for more news.

(Edit – sold!)