Monthly Archives: May 2007

Monkey Magic

The website is undergoing some cosmetic changes at the moment, breaking most of the Greasemonkey scripts which have sprung up to correct its deficiencies. I wrote one which inserted links to various mapping services, which needed some TLC after they dropped OS grid references from UK cache pages.

Fortunately, thanks to the geotools javascript library which I had a hand in creating, you can perform a reasonable WGS84 to OSGB conversion entirely on the client side.

So, within a few hours of the developers “breaking” their site, myself and others went and fixed it again with the wonder of Greasemonkey. You can find my script for inserting map links here.

Hassle Me

Not posted for a while, as have been rather busy! A few days ago I stumbled upon HassleMe a simple site for regular emailed reminders. So now I have one reminding me to post something.

One thing I don’t need HassleMe for is – there’s an army of real people doing that. I’ve not had as much time to devote to it as I’d like, as Geograph takes most of my spare time. Can’t promise when I’ll have more time for it, but hopefully soon. Maybe I will add a HassleMe for it after all…

Finally, my good lady has formed her own cottage industry of jewellery making, and it’s going down a storm locally. She even has a website, Not much there yet, as I’m still getting set up to take decent pictures of her work!