Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blogging, I finally get it.

This blog has now completed its first full month, and I’ve managed to average one post per day! I’ve had various aborted attempts at doing this in years gone by, but this is the most active I’ve ever been.

One of the reasons is that I think I finally “get it”. My previous attempts at blogging were more about collecting daft links I didn’t want to bookmark but might want some day. I can do that now with Now, I find myself using Technorati to track topics I’m interested in, and when an interesting post pops up, I try to relate it to things I’m working on or past experience.

I was quite surprised and encouraged that many posts with more original content attracted comments, so I’m going to try and do more of that. It should be an exciting month for Geograph, so expect many posts on that topic.

It seems you can’t fully appreciate the blogosphere until you immerse yourself in it!

Save Parliament!

Save Parliament
From the “Save Parliament” website – “The boringly-named Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is in fact a very dangerous piece of legislation. It grants any minister the ability to amend, replace, or repeal existing legislation. The frightening thing is this: they would be able to make major changes to the law without Parliament being able to examine it properly, taking away the ability of Parliament to meaningfully represent the citizens of this country.”

I’m no activist, but it’s stuff like this which gets me writing to my MP. I don’t know how I’ve missed this issue to date, but I’m damn sure I’ll add my voice to it’s opposition.

Third time lucky

I’ve tried this blogging thing twice before, and the trick is to have some focus or purpose. Last time around it was just for logging daft and interesting links that I didn’t need to bookmark, but might want someday. soon did a better job of that for me.

So what will I write about?

  • The Geograph Project – takes up a lot of spare time
  • Geocaching – the only activity which gets me outside at the moment
  • PHP and C++ software development, as that’s what I spend my days doing
  • I’ll undoubtedly throw in a few daft links too 🙂

OK! Let’s go!