Category Archives: Software Development

Anything to do with web / software development

More Tea Vicar?

Well, the important question of what to name the Geograph servers has been answered.

  • Tea – the load balancer, as everything should start with a nice cup of tea
  • Toast, Scone and Crumpet – web servers, keeping our site sustained!
  • Jam – NAS / database, as toast, scones and crumpets are naught without jam

See, there’s method in it.

While I’m waiting for the new kit to arrive, I’m building some VMWare virtual servers of the new setup, which should help anyone developing for Geograph since it allows them to run an identical setup without needing to know much about Linux configuration, and will also allow us to trial new ideas without messing up the “real” boxes.

Ordnance Survey to sponsor Geograph British Isles

We’ve been talking to the OS since November and can finally announce they are going to sponsor Geograph British Isles. We’ll be scaling the site to multiple servers and integrating proper OS maps over the next few months. Now that Geograph Project is proper non-profit company and all that, there’s even a press release 🙂

It’s great news, and I’ll be writing about how we scale the site here over the next few months.

Woo hoo!

London Geek Events Google Calendar

I’ve created a Google Calendar of London events of interest to software developers and web professionals. If you search for a public calendar called “London Geek Events” you should be able to add it, though it can take a few days for new calendars to appear in such searches. In the meantime, click “manage calendars” and “add calendar”, and use the iCal or XML urls for the calendar.

I’ll need some help maintaining it – if you’d like write access to it, or simply want an event adding, let me know.