Category Archives: Fun

Moo Minicards

Moo ran a promotion last week giving away 10 free “mini cards” to 10,000 people. I want to get some printed for Geograph so this was a great opportunity to check the quality. My free cards arrived this morning, so what’s the verdict?

Very nice!

The cards are quite thick with a nice silky sheen, and they feel quite durable. This combined with their colourful nature makes them feel quite “collectable”.

Can’t wait to get some Geograph ones made now…

Glass Books of the Dream Eaters

Glass Books of the Dream EatersAfter reading this Boing Boing post a few weeks ago, I signed up to receive ten weekly installments of The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters. I don’t get much in the post that I look forward to, but I couldn’t wait for this to arrive. The first installment dropped onto the doormat a few days ago, and although my dog nibbled the corner a little, I’ve been enjoying it ever since. Every Tuesday for the next 9 weeks, I’ll be waiting by the front door for the next installment. Huzzah!

Now *that’s* a video game!

If you are of a certain age, and hear the name “Jeff Minter”, your mind becomes populated by psychedelic ungulates as you recall your youth misspent playing Revenge of the Mutant Camels and one of my favorite games, Llamatron (best played LOUD!).

Proper games they were.

Enter Grid Wars. It’s beautiful. It’s noisy. It’s “Minteresque”. It’s only the sound that gives it away as not being a Llamasoft production, but it’s still good. Look….

Grid Wars

I haven’t figured out the finer points, I just love whizzing my ship around blowing stuff up prettily. Download from here and read an excellent writeup here!

Do it soon, as it seems Microsoft have told the original author to stop making it available, as the idea is derived from an XBox360 game. Boooo!