Monthly Archives: May 2006

CleanEx – a blast from the past

I had an email recently enquiring about a freeware Windows application I wrote nine years ago called CleanEx. I was amazed people still use it, even more amazed it still works. Nine years is a long time!

CleanEx is a little shell extension to clean a directory of temporary files, originally conceived as a way to get rid of C++ compiler intermediate files. Here’s a rolling demo of it in action


CleanEx can be customised to add your own file groups too. I must have the sources around here somewhere, I’ll open it up if anyone is interested.

Download (181Kb)

Usage of pastebin expiry feature

The new expiry option has been live at for over 24 hours, it’s been interesting to see the usage patterns. There have been just under 2000 posts in the past day, breaking down as follows:

  • 33% expire in a day
  • 64% expire in a month
  • 3% never expire

In a few days I’ll take a look at some of the “permanent” posts to see what other features might be useful…in meantime, feel free to make suggestions by commenting below!