Monthly Archives: April 2006 – a pastebin for files is a sort of pastebin for files. Just pick a url, like and upload up to 2M of data.

I’d be uncomfortable with adding uploads to pastebin, seems there would be too much scope for abuse and if it was popular I doubt the Google ads would pay for the bandwidth used.

Still, as I’m going to make it possible for posts to be a little more permanent, it would be nice to offer customised url paths as well as custom domains, so your code snippet can go to for example.

Finally, for those eager for the source – it’s coming along nicely, be patient just a little longer!

Web designer position in Huddersfield anyone?

A long shot, but my 8-month-pregnant friend Clare Quartermaine runs QT Creative, web design and marketing company in Huddersfield, and one of her HTML/Flash designers is leaving in 4 weeks.

If you read this, and know someone in the Huddersfield area with HTML, CSS, Flash skills, and maybe a smattering of basic PHP and Javascript, starting salary around the £18K+ mark depending on experience, then do get in touch (info at

MogileFS+MAID and lwqueue

A quick round up of recent blog posts of interest to me…

  • Using MogileFS and MAID is a short post about an interesting idea – using MogileFS as a replication layer on top of a redundant MAID units.
  • Next up, lwqueue, “a lightweight, language agnostic TCP based message queue system with Perl, Ruby, and Python client libraries”. Geograph uses a message queue but doesn’t quite need the performance this offers, but it looks good for situations where you want high asynchronous message traffic between software systems on different hosts