Monthly Archives: April 2006

Pastebin v0.40 released

There hasn’t been a source release of in over a year, and I promised one in April, and here it is!

There’s no new features yet, just what you see on, but the code has been substantially reworked from the last available release. Source is GPL licenced, if you have any questions, add them as comments to this article in case the answers are of benefit to others…

Download pastebin.tar.gz (130 KB)

International Cache In Trash Out Day

Another skipload of junk!Today was International Cache In Trash Out Day, when geocachers go and clean up an area for the benefit of all. First time I’ve done one, joining close to a hundred others clearing some woodland called Omer’s Gully in Burghfield Common, Berkshire. The woodland was on the edge of a housing estate, and nearby residents were a little bemused by the sight of geocachers from all over the country volunteering to clear up their woods.

Skipload of junkI’m sure they’ll be impressed with the result – two skips filled with junk!

After that, it was time to retire to the pub and bask in the sunshine on what must have been the hottest day of the year so far.

Summer is here! Yay!